Les paroles de Play - MAGASCO | Kamer Lyrics
Les Paroles de "Play " par MAGASCO


Like play like play man don brake ocada tellam live me for america
Like play like play this me way you de see me so a don be na bush faller 
Jehovah make god bless me (eh)
Jehovah make god bless me (eh yeh yeh yeh) 
Jehovah make god bless me ( eh )
Jehovah make god bless me (eh yeh yeh yeh)
My people may god bless you (eh) 
My people may god bless you too (yeh yeh yeh) 
My people may god bless you (eh) 
My people may god bless you too (yeh yeh yeh)

Na that bamenda  pekin 
Bamenda pekin day here so oh
I say na that bamenda pekin 
 bamenda pekin day here so 
Na which kind thine way a nover see
Thine way a nover do here so oh eh 
Many people tell me
Many people tell me no no no 

But god don bless me eh
Ma god don bless am oh eh eh yeh
I say god don bless me eh 
Jehovah blessam oh eh (yeh yeh yeh)

Like play like play man don brake ocada tellam live ei fo america
Like play like play this me way you de see me so a don be na bush faller 
Jehovah make god bless me (eh)
Jehovah make god bless me (eh) 
Jehovah make god bless me ( eh yeh yeh)
Jehovah make god bless me (eh yeh yeh)
My people may god bless you (eh)
My people may god bless you too (yeh yeh yeh )
 My people may god bless you (eh yeh yeh yeh) 
My people may god bless you too (yeh yeh  yeh)

(eh yeh yeh yeh )
(eh yeh yeh yeh )

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