Les paroles de Killer With - MAGASCO | Kamer Lyrics
Les Paroles de "Killer With" par MAGASCO

It’s Original Thang...
Dey don know bam bi don...
Boy! Listen!

Killer with it, because you bring your body 
Baby girl just whine freely
Killer with it, because your hips don’t lie
Baby girl just dance freely
Kiki Killer with it, the way you come and turn up the night...
Comment tu bouges ton corps...
Comment tu bouges ton corps...wohooo hooo....

You know I give you freedom,
Baby girl you know I give you freedom
And I hold on Baby you call, when you call me,
And baby you call, whenever you call me
And give me da reason, to stay up inside this your prison
And I hold on Baby you call, when you call,
Baby every time you call, when you call...

And if you give me the reason,
Girl I still day for your prison.
I’m ready when you call, when you call me,
You call, when you call me 

And if you give me the reason,
Girl I still day for your prison.
I’m ready when you call, when you call me,
You call, when you call me

Killer with it, because you bring your
Body baby girl just whine freely,
Killer with it, because your hips don’t lie
Baby girl just dance freely
Kiki Killer with it, the way you come and turn up the night...
Comment tu bouges ton corps...
Comment tu bouges ton corps....wohooo hooo...

Killer with it, because you bring your
Body baby girl just whine freely,
Killer with it, because your hips don’t lie
Baby girl just dance freely
Kiki Killer with it, the way you come and turn up the night...
Comment tu bouges ton corps...
Comment tu bouges ton corps...wohooo hooo...

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