Les paroles de Hope - CYSOUL | Kamer Lyrics
Les Paroles de " Hope" par CYSOUL

A mvoé dzam oo(mvoé dzam ohé)
mayem akia wò yõn mayem enying  isiki zeze dzom  anë bake bakilen dana
A mvoé enying dzoé, enying dzoé oo
A mvoé tòbege mvoè te wò yöne oo kanga ngùl oo

What ever comes and what ever goes
You'll be fine I wanna let you know
Hit the way you'll be okay
What ever comes and what ever goes (enying dzoé enë indzam a manyang, tòbege ivol oo)
You'll be fine I wanna let you know
Sing with me cause you'll be okay
Hopefully Hopefully Hopefully
Close from you and me
And forever and ever you can breathe, I will be there,
To hold your hand, dry your eyes look up to the skys
Cause right now you merit plenty it
Right there is a healin' so
What ever comes and what ever goes
You'll be fine I wanna let you know
Hit the way cause you'll be okay
What ever comes and what ever goes (What ever comes, what ever goes,You'll be fine I wanna let you know, you'll be okay )
You'll be fine I wanna let you know
Sing with me cause you'll be okay
We are the future, it's so to us to change the world
Never loosed you so
Got to stay hope
Hold on
We got to faith, love...

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