Les paroles de Sing Aloud - PROSPER GERMOH | Kamer Lyrics
Les Paroles de "Sing Aloud" par PROSPER GERMOH

With a great full heart I'll sing
And my humbly gratitude
And your spirit inside of me
Igniting me to sing aloud

With a great full heart I'll sing
And my humbly gratitude
And your spirit inside of me
Igniting me to sing aloud

With a great full heart I'll sing
{with a heart full of joy i'll sing}
And my humbly gratitude
{and with a great full mind}
And your spirit inside of me
{i'll sing songs of joy to you Lord}
Igniting me to sing aloud
{singing with a loud voice, hallelujah}
Sing aloud (ooh)
I will sing aloud (oooh)
I'll sing and praise the mighty God
Come on  sing aloud (oooh…)
Let us sing aloud (ooohh...)
Let us sing and praise the mighty God

Precious father you own my life,
You gave up Your Son to set me free
I think of the air you've given me
I have every reason to sing aloud

Precious father you own my life,
You gave up Your Son to set me free
I think of the air you've given me
I have every reason to sing aloud

Precious father you own my life
{What a precious father you are},
You gave up your son to set me free
{That you've given us a precious gift}
I think of the air you've given me
{Your begotten son, that died that I may live again}
I have every reason to sing aloud { i'll sing aloud},
Sing aloud (ooh)
I will sing aloud (oooh)
I'll sing and praise the mighty God
Come on  sing aloud (oooh…)
Let us sing aloud (ooohh...)
Let us sing and praise the mighty God

New songs of trust to you Lord I will sing
To you I give my jubilant praise
New songs of joy to you Lord I'll raise,
You Alone deserve my praise
New songs of trust to you Lord I will sing
To you I give my jubilant praise
New songs of joy to you Lord I'll raise,
You Alone deserve my praise

New songs of trust to you Lord i'll sing
{heavenly father, i'll sing songs of joy to you}
To you I give my jubilant praise
{because my heart is full of joy},
New songs of joy to you Lord i'll raise
{i'll sing songs of trust to you},
You aloud deserve my praise
{receive the praise},
Sing aloud
Sing aloud (ooh)
I will sing aloud (oooh)
I'll sing and praise the mighty God
Come on  sing aloud (oooh…)
Let us sing aloud (ooohh...)
Let us sing and praise the mighty God


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