Les paroles de Turn By Turn - JONAS EBERRE | Kamer Lyrics
Les Paroles de "Turn By Turn" par JONAS EBERRE

Solo :1

This life you see so,
Na turn by turn
When your own fall 
You go chop oo  
No matter the weather ,
You see your self
Just belief in your self ,
And trust in your self
Say you go make'm 
It's just matter of time 
My brother
My sister
One people
Were we live in 
Love,peace and unity


This life, na turn by turn
This life, na turn by turn
This life, na turn by turn
This life na turn by turn
This life ,na turn by turn

Solo 2

Hahaha  this life is about,
Turn by turn
Yours today,
Another's tomorrow
Stop killing your self,
In your situations
Since you got that,
Oya ,to the beat

Turn by turn, turn by turn, 
turn by turn, turn by turn
As you fall o
E know mean say 
Na your end o
Dry bone ,dry bone
Shall rise again


This life ,Na turn by turn
This life,na turn by turn
This life, na turn by turn
This life, na turn by turn.
This life, na turn by turn

Solo 3

Stop gimme that ,
Believe in your self
Say na turn by turn
When your own fall,
Fall you go chop o 
So ,work hard,work hard
Work hard 
E go better brother
E go better sister
E go better papa
E go better mama
E go better papa
E go better mama
Better papa 
Better mama
Better papa
Better Mama


This life na turn by turn
This life na turn by turn
This life na turn by turn
This life na turn by turn
This life na turn by turn

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