Les paroles de Zamba - MAGASCO | Kamer Lyrics
Les Paroles de "Zamba" par MAGASCO

Bamenda boy again
wooooh…. Wooooh….

HOOK (2x)
One mane Ntomba Zamba
Wa yi wa va minsem’o eh ah
Kude bi ngol’o é
Kude bi ngol’o  ah
One mane Ntomba Zamba
Wa yi wa va minsem’o eh ah
Kude bi ngol’o é
Kude bi ngol’o ah

Verse 1

You took me when I was down
You took me when it was over
Now that I am found
Na you I call Jehovah

People always tell me lies
They will always turn me down
But I will always be your son
Even though I do you wrong
Ouhh oooh

Even though I do you wrong

HOOK (2x)
One mane Ntomba Zamba
Wa yi wa va minsem’o eh ah
Kude bi ngol’o é
Kude bi ngol’o  ah

The Lord is my Shepherd 
 I shall not want
He makes me to lie down in green pastures
He leads me besides the still waters
He restores my soul

[Jacques Greg Belobo]
Mene mane ntomba Zamba
Mayi ma va minsem’o eh 
Ma ve mina mvoé o eh
Non ne mvoe’o oh

[Magasco & Greg BELOBO ]
One mane Ntomba Zamba (Mene mon ntodobe anga kom si)
Wa yi wa va minsem’o eh ah (anga ve ma ngul ne me zou kodé si té
Kude bi ngol’o é (menga non nyul bod messa tobo yé bo)
Kude bi ngol’o  ah (ne maké ma lede bot mfang zen)

One mane Ntomba Zamba (mene mbang mone Zamba elo feg anga lom)
Wa yi wa va minsem’o eh ah (anga dang ding bot, akya eyeng eding te)
Kude bi ngol’o é (menga tobo e bot ne mazu bour’eno)
Kude bi ngol’o  ah (…assi’o)


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