Les paroles de Ma Kong Wa - GASHA | Kamer Lyrics
Les Paroles de "Ma Kong Wa" par GASHA

I ma say the naked truth
Take me to the market square
Je vais te dire ça haut parleur
Everytime I look at you
 Something go tockle
My hand go scratch na ma bieh bieh (butterfly… butterfly)

Ma kon wa wé (Hey)… Ma kon wa wé (Hey)… Ma kon wa wé (Hey)… Ma kon wa wé (Hey)…
Ma kon wa wé (Hey)… Ma kon wa wé (Hey)… Ma kon wa wé (Hey)… Ma kon wa wé (Hey)…

Baby you go me acting fool
See me smiling on the road
And thinking “viva l’amour” yeah

Ima speak the naked truth
Am trynna stick with you
Never leave  me no
 Never leave me no
And you told me this is true
 Baby na you I want to di follow follow
 Na you I di follow follow

Ma kon wa wé (Hey)… Ma kon wa wé (Hey)… Ma kon wa wé (Hey)… Ma kon wa wé (Hey)…
Ma kon wa wé (Hey)… Ma kon wa wé (Hey)… Ma kon wa wé (Hey)… Ma kon wa wé (Hey)…

When am on the road, When I got a show
 I dedicate it you so, So to you is this song

When am on the road, When I got a show
 I dedicate it you so, So to you is this song

When am on the road, When I got a show
 I dedicate it you so, So to you is this song

When am on the road, When I got a show
 I dedicate it you so, So to you is this song

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