Les paroles de Bad Year - N Prince | Kamer Lyrics
Les Paroles de "Bad Year" par N Prince


They're are so many places that i want to go this year
They're so many girls that i want to date this year
They're so many things that i want to do this year
They're are so many places that i want to go this year
They're so many girls that i want to date this year
They're so many things that i want to do this year

I say this year
This year is a bad year
I say this year
This year is a bad year
I say this year
This year is a bad year
I say this year
This year is a bad year

I want a family, family this year
I want a baby, baby this year
I want to marry, marry this year
I want to hustle, hustle this year

I say this year
This year is a bad year
I say this year
This year is a bad year
I say this year
This year is a bad year
I say this year
This year is a bad year

I keep on fighting, fighting with my friends
I keep on fighting, fighting with my family
They beat me and throw me out of the house
I'm in the street with nothing to eat

I say this year
This year is a bad year
I say this year
This year is a bad year
I say this year
This year is a bad year
I say this year
This year is a bad year

They're so many places that i want to go this year
They're so many girls that i want to date this year
They're so many things that i want to do this year

I say this year
This year is a bad year

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