Les paroles de Silver - VERNYUY TINA | Kamer Lyrics
Les Paroles de "Silver" par VERNYUY TINA

365 am born again today
Got to make sure me and nature reconcile
I know my name I know what it says I am
How dare I walk alone?
How dare I not surrender?
Right now a new world awaits me higher
Oshe Baba, Gracias Papa, Kyrie Elieson
Emo Alleluia
Fena Wongi dulé ku wi adze woso ah
Fena ke ki yo yen fo Beriwo sho ah
Fena abashimolé m’ku wiy á suiri wo ah
Ku wiy adze woso ah
Mo yiir yem ji Vernyuy ah

Ahhhhhhh wu lamini mo SILVER
E Bless me with another Birthday
See me am the winner
Ahhhhhhh Wu Lamini mo SILVER
E Bless me With another Birthday
See me am the Winner
Am Bigger! Am Bigger!

Bonya e wun  ah
Bonya e wun ah
Bonya e wun  ah

They hear me spit bars
Awuni suiji m si ba
Some said am too slow
O yea I got Stamina
Haha yea agot Stamina

Because I have Haven, I have everything
Am a living proof of the healings of God
Look at them ashamed all of them that insulted me
Wusai dem dey let them come and see me Dancing
Nasara ka bani nagode Allah
Wo wu seerv’in  mo wuna Música
From Darkness now I see INDIGO
Ku adze géh Fomo
Mo yiir yem Ji Vernyuy

Ahhhhhhh Baba lamini mo SILVER
E Bless me with another Birthday
See me am the winner
Ahhhhhhh Wu lamini mo silver
E Bless me with another Birthday
See me am the Winner
Am Bigger! Am Bigger!

Bonya e wun  ah
Bonya e Wun ah
Bonya e wun  ah

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